Adult Ministry at Good Shepherd

What’s next on your faith journey?

At Good Shepherd, we want everyone to grow in faith. Through events, groups, Bible studies, and more we want you to grow in faith by connecting with God and other Christians.

No matter where you are in life or your faith journey— young adult, kids at home, no kids, single, empty-nesting, retired, new Christian, life-long believer, or anything else— ALL are welcome here!

Upcoming Groups

Many Fall Connect Groups will follow The Story by Randy Frazee and Max Lucado.

Our Connect Groups are meant to help you grow in faith through connecting with God and other Christians. Groups of 8-12 people meet weekly for 6 weeks for conversation, prayer, and Bible study. 

Book Purchase: $10

Fall Connect groups:
The story Part 1, Genesis-Deuteronomy

September 15 - November 1

Throughout the 2024-25 year, many Connect Groups will be gathering around The Story by Max Lucado and Randy Frazee. The Story is an abridged version of the NIV Bible that reads like a novel. For those intimidated or overwhelmed by the unabridged Bible, The Story is simple, accessible, and easy to read.

The book is divided into 31 chapters and each of our Connect Group sessions will cover one chunk of the Bible. The Fall session will cover chapters 1-7, effectively reading through the first 5 books of the Bible. 

Questions? Email Pastor Meggie!


“You’ll Get Through This” is a group especially for people who are struggling with grief.

Book Purchase: $10

Fall Connect groups:
you’ll get through this

Wednesdays at 7:30pm, Sept. 18 - Oct. 23

You fear you won't make it through. We all do. We fear that the depression will never lift, the yelling will never stop, the pain will never leave. Surrounded by steep walls and aching reminders, we wonder: Will this gray sky ever brighten? This load ever lighten?

This connect group is especially for people who are wrestling with grief. In this study, you’ll gain tools to help process the heavy emotions of grief.


Are you getting married soon? We want to get your marriage off to the best start. This pre-marriage retreat will include 10 hours of pre-marital counseling to take your relationship to the next level.

Visit for more information!

Trips in 2025

What is Mission Jamaica?

Mission Jamaica is a short-term “vacation with a purpose” trip that began at St. Andrew’s Lutheran Church, Mahtomedi, Minnesota, in 1989. Since then, over 40 congregations and several colleges from all over the country have joined together to serve the people on Jamaica. Lutheran Church of the Good Shepherd has been on 15 trips with Mission Jamaica since they began partnering together in 2005. They will be traveling again in January 2025.

New in 2025

Good Shepherd is committed to raising $4,000 to cover half the cost of building a J’Abode home for a family in need.


Journeys of Paul Trip with Pastor Mary through Turkey & the Greek Islands: Traveling March 18-29, 2025

Map of Trip Stops

Journeys of Paul with Pastor Mary Trip to Turkey & the Greek Islands

March 18–29, 2025

Join Pastor Mary on a religious and historical tour following the footsteps of the apostle Paul in Greece and Turkey. The trip includes visits to significant sites from the New Testament. Participants will learn about the early Christian church and the spread of the Gospel by exploring ancient ruins, Byzantine churches, monasteries, and other historical sites such as:

  • Thessaloniki, first Christian communities

  • Kavala, Paul landed with Timothy and Silas

  • Philippi, Paul & Silas were imprisoned

  • Tomb of King Philip II, father of Alexander the Great

  • Veria, Byzantine and post-Byzantine churches

  • Delphi, the sanctuary where the oracle of Apollo spoke

  • Panathenaic Stadium, the first Olympic Games (1896)

  • Mars Hill, Paul’s gospel presentation (Acts 17:16–34)

  • Island of Patmos, John wrote the Book of Revelation


Meets Weekly on THURSDAYS | 7:00 AM | Sunporch

Join the preaching pastor on-site for great discussion related to our current sermon series. No registration required!



Meets Monthly on the fourth TUESDAY, 9:30 AM, CHAPEL

Join us for fellowship as we share devotions and grow in our faith with other women of the church. ALL are welcome! No registration required!


ACT: for people age 55+

Meets Monthy on the 2nd Sunday, 5:00PM, GOOD SHEPHERD GATHERING SPACE

Join us for food, faith, & fellowship––bring your favorite dish to share. No registration required, just show up!


Paper Arts Ministry

first saturday of the month, 9:00am

This group creates cards and other paper crafts to spread hope and joy to members at our church. They are open to all card-making abilities! No registration required, just show up!


Hardanger/sewing MINISTRY

Meets Weekly on Thursdays, 9:30 AM, Resource Lounge

All abilities welcome! Whether you have been sewing/hardangering/cross-stitching for ages or you want to learn, please join us for this social and creative ministry. No registration required, just show up!



Meets Weekly on TUESDAYS, 9:30 AM, in the GYM

This group makes quilts for Lutheran World Relief, area shelters, homebound members, and anyone who needs extra care.

Meets on the second wednesday of the month, 2 pm, in the gathering space

This group sews lap quilts with prayer and love for our shut-in members and others in our community.