Subscribe to the Mission
Our Mission
Our mission at Good Shepherd is to gather, grow, and go so that ALL may know the Good Shepherd! We are focusing on how to stay on mission at home, at work or school, in the community, and at church! Following Jesus our Good Shepherd is something we do every day and everywhere.
At every new member meeting, we ask the group “What drew you to Good Shepherd?” The top three answers are:
I was invited by a friend/relative/co-worker.
I felt at home when I walked through the doors of Good Shepherd and knew it was going to be my church home.
The music is what feeds my soul.
Your Automated Online Gifts at Work:
Weekly programs for 500+ kids, age 3-grade 12
Financial support for local & global non-profits
Building maintenance & funding dedicated staff
“We come for our M&Ms–Worship & Mission–it’s our weekly recharge.”
An activity that may feed your soul, or help you understand yourself and your significant people better is a values assessment.
Three-Month Giving Challenge
We invite you to try giving online to Good Shepherd. In three months, if you don’t see God show up in your life after, we will give you your money back!
Up to $12,000 of online gifts will be matched. That means your gift today will have double the impact to Good Shepherd and our Mission Partners.
*Three-Month Giving Challenge noted below.
Other Ways to Give
IRA Required Minimum Distribution (RMD)
Donor Advised Funds
Name Good Shepherd in Your Will or Estate Plan
*Three-Month Giving Challenge Terms:
I understand my household qualifies for participation because we have not been tithing for the last six months.
I understand I cannot seek a refund prior to the end of the Three-Month Giving Challenge period, and that I cannot seek a refund for any contributions made prior to the beginning of the Three-Month Giving Challenge period.
I understand any request for refund must be received by Good Shepherd within 30 days of the end of the Three-Month Giving Challenge period.
I understand I must log in prior to paying my tithe online, so that my tithe can be properly credited.
I would like to test God’s faithfulness by accepting the Three-Month Giving Challenge. I agree that for the three-month period, my household will contribute to God, through Good Shepherd. At the end of the three-month period, if I have not seen God show-up in my life, then I will be entitled to request a refund of the full amount of contributions made during that three-month period.
If you have any questions, please email Good Shepherd.